Haywood Regional Medical Center Announces teleNeurology and telePsychiatry Services
November 18, 2021
Haywood Regional Medical Center (HRMC) is now offering teleNeurology and telepsychiatry services in partnership with SOC Telemed. The partnership enables HRMC to access time-sensitive neurological and acute psychiatric expertise whenever and wherever it is needed.
“Our new emergency teleNeurology program will cover neurological emergencies throughout the hospital, including acute stroke. While stroke may be the most familiar reason for emergency teleNeurology, this technology allows for experienced neurologists to support hospital efforts with rapid response, real-time engagement on a variety of neurologic issues, both urgent and non-urgent,” says Susan Mahoney, CNO at HRMC. “Likewise, our new emergency telePsychiatry service provides experienced specialists for all psychiatric diagnoses, from those psychiatry patients presenting in the emergency department to new and emerging psychiatric care needs anywhere in the hospital.”
Haywood Regional Medical Center is here to meet your needs – emergency or otherwise. To find a provider, visit our Find a Doctor page at MyHaywoodRegional.com or call 800.424.DOCS (3627).