Patient Guide
We are committed to your care.
Our goal is to provide the best quality care. To do so, we ask for feedback from patients like you. You may be contacted by phone, email or text and asked to complete a confidential survey. Please take the time to complete the survey. Your feedback will help us know what we’re doing well and where we can improve.
Privacy Practices Patient Rights & Responsibilities Concerns About Your Care
Fast facts about your stay.
- Bedside Shift Report
- Bedside Technology
- Café and Dining
- Calling Your Nurse
- Cellphones & Video
- Channel Listing for TV
- Concerns About Your Care
- Electrical Appliances
- Fire Safety
- Flowers
- Gift Shop
- Hearing Impaired
- Hospital Chapel
- Hourly Rounding
- Housekeeping Services
- Interpreters and Translation Services
- Lost and Found
- Medicines
- Parking
- Patient Meals
- Personal Belongings and Valuables
- Public Restrooms
- Rapid Response Team
- Smoking
- Telephone
- TV
- Your Room
- Valuables Information
- Vending Machines
- Visiting Hours
- Wifi
Support for Caregivers
We encourage patients to pick a key person to support them during their hospital stay. Whether you are that primary support person, or just one of many people caring for and supporting your loved one, you can play an important role in making sure your loved one gets the safest and best care both here and beyond the hospital.
Patient and Family Care
We participate in patient- and family-centered care. We believe that family plays an important role in ensuring the health and well-being of patients of all ages. Our goal is to create partnerships among healthcare practitioners, patients and families that will lead to the best outcomes and enhance the delivery of safe, quality, efficient, effective, and timely care.
What to Know Before You Leave
Caregivers can help ensure the best outcome for their loved one after a hospital stay by getting the answers to these three questions:
- What is the next step for medical care (home or facility, follow-up with primary care physician or physical therapy, etc.)? Help your loved one arrange the details to make this happen—financial plan, transportation, scheduling, etc.
- What new and former medicines does my loved one need to take? Help your loved one understand the details—timing, dosing instructions, side effects, prescription refills, etc.
- What health warning signs do I need to watch for and what do I do if they happen? Help your loved one by writing these symptoms down as well as the name and contact number to call.
If you feel like you need a break or help, reach out to friends and family. And consult the resources listed here: National Alliance for Caregiving | Family Caregiver Alliance | Caregiver Action Network
Facts About Your Stay
For your convenience, an ATM is located on the first level of the hospital near registration, between the main lobby and the emergency entrance.
Bedside Shift Report
We want you to feel comfortable and cared for throughout your stay, so at each nursing shift change—about every 12 hours—your nurse will introduce your new nurse to you. The team will talk about your progress, medicine and tests scheduled for the day. Ask questions. The more you’re involved, the better and safer your care.
Bedside Technology
During your stay, you may see your doctors and nurses using computers or tablets. These tools help them care for you by providing around-the-clock monitoring, a variety of resources and quick communication with the rest of your healthcare team. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or nurse.
Café and Dining
Tom's Café
Location: 2nd level
Breakfast Hours:
Monday through Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Lunch Hours:
Daily: 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The hospital cafeteria is open daily to visitors and families of our patients. (Hours subject to change)
Vending machines are conveniently located on all floors at Haywood Regional Medical Center. Due to dietary restrictions, patients may not be served in the cafeteria.
Calling Your Nurse
In various care areas, you have a personal call button in your room should you need to reach your nurse. Press the button to alert someone at the nursing station. There is also a call cord in the bathroom that signals at the nursing station when pulled. Please ask any staff member if you have any questions about how to use the call button in your room.
Cellphones & Video
During your stay, you may see members of your care team using mobile phones. At Haywood Regional Medical Center, our staff are permitted to use phones for work-related activities, such as communicating with doctors or other care team members. Employees are not allowed to use phones for non-work-related activities. There are many work related benefits of cellphones and other communication devices, including access to medical references, clinical tools and patient information.
Channel Listing for TV
# | Channel | # | Channel |
2 | Animal Planet | 25 | Weather Nation |
3 | Electronic Program Guide | 26 | USA Network |
4 | NBC-WYFF | 27 | The History Channel |
5 | Hallmark | 28 | National Geographic |
6 | Lifetime | 29 | PBS-TV |
7 | CBS-WSPA | 30 | Univision |
8 | Discovery | 31 | Disney East |
9 | HGTV | 32 | Cartoon Network |
10 | A&E | 33 | PBS-UNC |
11 | TLC | 34 | Nickelodeon |
12 | QVC | 35 | Nick Jr. |
13 | ABC-WLOS | 36 | Fox Sports 1 |
14 | Food Network | 37 | ESPN |
15 | HSN | 38 | ESPN2 |
16 | IND-WGGS | 39 | ESPNews |
17 | RFDTV | 40 | ESPNU |
18 | TV Land | 41 | MNT-WMYA |
19 | Trinity Broadcasting Network | 42 | CW-WYCA |
20 | TBS | 43 | CMT |
21 | FOX-WHNS | 44 | MTV |
22 | FOX News Channel | 45 | VH1 |
23 | CNN | 46 | AXS TV |
24 | TNT | 47 | Bloomberg TV |
48 | C-Span |
Concerns About Your Care
Please speak with your nurse or nursing supervisor if you have any questions or concerns about your care. If your issue still is not resolved, then contact the call the Service Excellence specialist at 828-452-8820. You also have the right to file your complaint with either:
Division of Health Service Regulation
Complaint Intake Unit
2711 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-2711
(Within NC: (919) 733-7461 or 1-(800) 624-3004)
Or by Fax: (919) 715-7724
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Blvd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Website:, then click “Report patient safety event”
Sometimes a healthcare choice can involve an ethical concern—such as a wish to refuse life-saving treatment or a disagreement over advance directives. Our medical ethics committee can help you and those who are here to support you make difficult decisions. For help, contact: Service Excellence at 828.452.8358.
Electrical Appliances
Appliances are not allowed in patient rooms because of electrical safety codes. If you wish to bring durable medical equipment from home or personal care devices such as electric razors and hair dryers, these need to be inspected by Engineering staff. Please ask your care team members to arrange for an inspection of equipment before use.
Fire Safety
For your protection and the safety of staff, the hospital conducts fire and disaster drills regularly. If a drill occurs while you are here, please remain in your room and do not become alarmed. The nursing staff will close all doors and check your unit for fire safety hazards. In case of an actual fire, you will be safely evacuated as needed by hospital staff.
Flowers are delivered to patient rooms by individual florists. Please note that flowers are not allowed in Intensive Care Units.
Gift Shop
The hospital gift shop is located on the first floor of Haywood Regional Medical Center. A variety of gift, baby items, greeting cards, snacks are available for purchase. Proceeds from the gift shop are donated to various community projects throughout Haywood County.
Hours of Operation:
Mon. to Fri.: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cash, check and credit cards accepted.
Hearing Impaired
We have services available for people who are deaf or hearing impaired. If you need these services, please contact your nurse.
Hospital Chapel
A chapel is located on the second floor of the hospital. It is open 24 hours for quiet reflection for you and your family while visiting.
Hourly Rounding
A nurse will visit you every hour during the day and every two hours at night to check on your comfort, help you change positions in bed, assist with trips to the bathroom, and make sure you can reach your phone, call light, and personal items easily.
Housekeeping Services
We want you to be comfortable in a clean safe environment while being treated. Your room will be cleaned and disinfected by housekeeping staff daily. Please report any areas that require cleaning to our staff.
Interpreters and Translation Services
Haywood Regional Medical Center respects the patient’s right to receive information in a manner that they can understand. For patients that have special needs in vision, speech, hearing, cognitive ability or language, language interpretation or translation services are available. Telephone interpreting services can provide over-the phone interpretation in hundreds of languages, 24 hours a day, and seven days a week for our non-English speaking patients. Clinical staff shall conduct an assessment with the patient or companion to determine how to best meet the needs of the individual. Family members and friends may not provide interpretation/translation for any direct patient care/medical interaction. Family members and friends may assist staff with basic instructions, for example: directions to the cafeteria.
Haywood Regional Medical Center provides, at no cost, interpreter services for patients:
- Determination of a patient’s medical history or description of ailment or injury
- Provision of Patient’s Rights, informed consent or permission for treatment
- Religious services and spiritual counseling
- Explanation of living wills or powers of attorney (or their availability)
- Diagnosis or prognosis of ailments or injuries
- Explanation of procedures, tests, treatment, treatment options, or surgery
- Explanation of medications prescribed (such a dosage, instructions for how and when the medication is to be taken, and side effects or food or drug interactions)
- Explanation regarding follow-up treatments, therapies, test results or recovery
- Blood donations or aphaeresis
- Discharge instructions
- Provision of mental health evaluations, group and individual therapy, counseling and other therapeutic activities, including grief counseling and crisis intervention
- Explanation of complex billing or insurance issues that may arise
- Educational presentations, such as classes concerning birthing, nutrition, CPR, and weight management
Lost and Found
Lost and found items are sent to the Security Department where they are held for 30 days. From an outside line, call the main hospital number and request to speak with a member of the Security Department. For in-house calls about lost and found items, call the call the hospital operator by dialing “0” to page the security officer on duty.
Mail is delivered daily. If you need a letter mailed, please give the stamped envelope to your nurse. Mail addressed to the patient should include the patient’s name and room number followed by the hospital address:
Haywood Regional Medical Center
262 Leroy George Drive
Clyde, NC 28721
There are many ways that patients and families can help assure proper medication administration while receiving treatment at Haywood Regional Medical Center.
Medication Reconciliation
As part of ensuring patient safety, all patient medications are reviewed upon admission, during hospitalization, and upon discharge. You are responsible for the accuracy of medication information provided during this admission. These medications are reviewed by your healthcare provider and adjusted according to your condition. You will receive a copy of your medications to continue upon discharge. Please bring your updated list of medications to future physician or health care provider visits.
Please consider doing all of the following to optimize medication administration while hospitalized:
- Bring a complete current list of all of the medications being taken prior to admission. Or you may bring a bag with all of your medicine bottles with you to the hospital. These will be documented upon admission.
- Medications that need to be listed include: prescriptions, over-the -counter medications, and herbal supplements.
- Communicate any medication, food or other allergies or sensitivities upon admission. The nursing staff may also verify allergy information at this and other times, particularly if specific medicines are ordered. It is important that patients and families realize that this is done to prevent potential medication side effects.
- If you have concerns about the medications being provided, please express your concerns to the staff before accepting the medication.
Outside Medications
All medications you take while in the hospital are prescribed by your physician, dispensed by the hospital pharmacy and administered by a nurse, respiratory therapist, or specially trained technician. Medications from home may be used under certain conditions, if appropriate, approved by the patient’s physician, and properly identified by one of our pharmacists. Patients are not permitted to administer their own own medications at their bedsides without a physician order.
Pain Management
We believe all patients are entitled to pain control during hospitalization. Please notify your nurse, physician or other care team members if you are not receiving adequate pain control. Pain is measured in a variety of methods, most commonly using a 1-10 scale. Inform your nurse of any further description of pain such as burning, tingling, or other symptoms related to your pain that can assist in the assessment and treatment of your pain.
Parking is free and available for you and your visitors. Please observe special parking areas for handicapped, emergency, outpatient, rehabilitation or other designated areas. Our security department suggests locking your car and removing all valuables. Haywood Regional Medical Center is not responsible for any damages or theft from or of private vehicles on our property.
Patient Meals
Your meals at Haywood Regional Medical Center are prepared by the Food and Nutrition Services Department. If you need a specialized diet, please tell your care team. A catering associate will visit you daily to assist with meal selections for the day.
Personal Belongings and Valuables
Personal care items such as contact lenses, eyeglasses, hearing aids and dentures can be stored in your bedside stand when not in use. Please do not put them on your bed or food tray to help avoid them being lost or damaged. Leave valuables like jewelry or cash at home, or give them to a trusted relative or friend to watch over. If this is not an option, valuables may be locked up by Security at your request. Haywood Regional Medical Center cannot be responsible for replacing personal belongings.
Public Restrooms
For everyone’s health and safety, we ask visitors not to use patient restrooms. Public restrooms are located throughout the hospital. Ask hospital staff to direct you to the nearest one.
Rapid Response Team
If you have a concern about the condition of your family member or loved one, contact your nurse immediately. If you are unable to reach your nurse, please inform other nursing personnel. Some care settings do not have nurses but notify members of your care team and they can assist you. Haywood Regional Medical Center staff provide immediate responses to changes in patient status. The nursing supervisor and respiratory therapy staff in collaboration with the nursing personnel will assess and evaluate the patient and perform appropriate interventions. You can call a critical-care response team to respond if your condition worsens and you do not get the immediate care you need. Dial 4444 to request this special service.
It is the policy of Haywood Regional Medical Center to promote the health and wellness of the community and to prevent disease. Medical evidence indicates that smoking poses a significant health risk to the smoker and to non-smokers and is a recognized fire hazard. In order to avoid the documented health risks caused from exposure to direct and second-hand smoke, Haywood Regional Medical Center and its affiliated clinics, healthcare and business facilities are “Tobacco Free, Non Smoking” facilities. Smoking and the use of tobacco products are, therefore, not permitted in any area within these facilities or their grounds, including the parking lots. Electronic, or ‘e-cigarettes’ are also prohibited on hospital property. You will be asked about your smoking (tobacco use) history during the admission process. Please disclose any need for tobacco alternatives while hospitalized (such as nicotine patches). Patients may not use tobacco products while hospitalized. Haywood Regional Medical Center wants all patients to be tobacco-free, so we offer a variety of methods for tobacco freedom. Please discuss your smoking questions and concerns with your doctor or nurses. Smoking cessation information is offered to all patients who use tobacco. Please review the information from your nurse about smoking cessation.
Telephones are provided in all patient rooms except the intensive care unit. Local calls can be made at no charge by dialing “9” before the number. If you would like to call another department within the hospital dial the four digit extension to your party. If you would like to give your family the number to your room, please dial the following:
Haywood Regional Medical Center
(828) 452 – 8 + room number
Example: To call room 508, dial 452-8508
While you are a patient at Haywood Regional Medical Center a variety of channels and television channel guides are available. Please be considerate of other patients by playing TV sets softly and by turning off your set at bedtime. TV controls are located in each room. Please ask the care team members for instructions on TV control use.
Your Room
Room Temperature
Your room includes individual controls on the wall for your comfort. Feel free to adjust the setting to make the room comfortable. If the temperature is uncomfortable, notify the members of the care team.
Room Cleanliness
We want you to be comfortable in a clean safe environment while being treated. Your room will be cleaned and disinfected by housekeeping staff daily. Please report any areas that require cleaning to our staff.
Valuables Information
It is recommended that all valuables be left at home or are secured by Security Officers at Haywood Regional Medical Center. Items secured will be listed and locked up until time of discharge. Only the patient or listed recipient/next of kin may receive secured items. All items brought on Haywood Regional Medical Center property after admission are the responsibility of the patient and Haywood Regional Medical Center accepts no responsibility for the loss, damage, or theft of these valuables.
Vending Machines
Here you can find beverages and snacks 24 hours a day. Vending machines are conveniently located on all floors at Haywood Regional Medical Center.
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are subject to change. Please ask your nurse for official hours during your stay.
Hospital Visitation hours are: 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. for all floors. Quiet time hours are from 2 - 4 p.m. daily. Please limit visitors to two per patient. Children less than 12 years (with adult supervision) are permitted to visit on the nursing units, provided there is no health hazard to the child(ren). Small children and babies should remain at home or in the waiting room/lobby with a supervising adult. Please check with the nurse to verify any health or safety concerns for pediatric visitors. Visitors should speak quietly not to disturb others resting or sleeping.
Anyone with a cold, sore throat, fever or communicable illness should not visit. Visits should be brief and should not disturb other patients. For the protection of our patients and staff, Haywood Regional Medical Center reserves the right to change visiting hours or regulations for visitation due to health conditions within the community (such as “flu outbreaks”).
- Visitation Hours: 9 am - 9 pm
- One (1) overnight visitor allowed for most patients.
- Masking is optional within the hospital and practices. Masking may be necessary in certain clinical (patient care) areas to prevent viral transmission from occurring.
- Patients may request staff wear masks.
- Visitors must remain in patient’s room during visit.
- Note that if visitors do not comply with the stated rules and/or cause disruptions, they may be asked to leave.
- See below for exceptions to above visitation guidelines.
- Emergency Room: One visitor per patient
- Intensive Care Unit: Two visitors at a time; No overnight visitors; No children under the age of 18
- Women’s Care: Laboring mothers may only have two support people in room during delivery.
- Behavioral Health Unit: Rotating visitation available. See below for days/times per room
number. More details available HERE.
Behavior Health Unit Visitation
For more information on visitation, please call: Haywood Regional Medical Center (828) 456-7311.Visitors to the BHU are not allowed to bring bags, purses, coats, or other personal items into the unit. Please leave these items in your car. No medications, cigarettes/lighters, or weapons are allowed in the BHU. Staff will assist with any questions regarding specific visitation guidelines. Please call (828) 452-8651 for any questions. If an individual has ideas of harming themselves it is very serious. The Suicide Hotline is a 24-hour service for any person requiring assistance and can be reached at 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255). For individuals requiring TTY services the number is 1 (800) 799-4TTY (4889).
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Visitation
The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a specialized unit where critically ill patients are treated for life-threatening conditions. Visitation is limited to protect patient privacy and allow for optimal patient rest. For the optimal rest of our critically ill patients, we ask that visitors are limited to only two at a time. No children under 18 years old are allowed in the ICU. Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Labor and Delivery Visitation
Fathers are welcome at all times in the labor and delivery areas. Siblings accompanied by an adult are welcome to visit and see the new baby after they have washed their hands and put on a cover gown. All other visitors to the labor and delivery unit are asked to respect patient/family rest and privacy while experiencing the birth of their baby.
Waiting Rooms
Waiting/lounge areas are located on each floor.
Wireless internet (WiFi) services are available at all campuses for internet users to use while guests at all Lifepoint facilities. Change your internet access to “guestnet” for online use and search capabilities.